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Covid-19 update
A video message from our chair Tim de Gavre
on the current Covid-19 pandemic and
a Q&A with Warwick Smith, Director General
of the BGMA and the BBA.
Oxera study into the UK Generic medicines market
A new independent report by economics consultancy Oxera has underlined the critical importance of the UK generic medicines sector and how, via free competition, it provides sustained and significant savings to the NHS creating greater patient access..
Better access. Better health
Read our guide to Generic and biosimilars medicines market and pricing
Better access. Better health.
The British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) represents the interests of UK-based manufacturers and suppliers of generic and biosimilar medicines and promotes the development and understanding of the generic and biosimilars medicines industry in the United Kingdom.
We have a strong focus on quality
The British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) has launched a forum in conjunction with the MHRA to focus on ensuring the manufacturing quality of generic medicines in the UK.
We reflect our members’ views at UK and European levels
We represent the views and interests of our members and industry generally to the UK government, the devolved administrations, regulators, other relevant third parties, including where appropriate the Institutions of the European Union and the media. Find out more about joining us.

10 things you need to know

Generic medicines meet the same standards of quality, safety and efficacy as originator brands.
Generics have to demonstrate that they are bioequivalent to the original product - i.e., they deliver equal medical benefits to the patient.
Generic competition saves the NHS more than £13.5bn per annum.
The average cost to the NHS of a generic medicine is £3.80, whilst the average cost of a branded medicine is £20.95.
On one product alone, based on current usage, the generics industry has saved the taxpayer £1.1bn.
In the UK, a free market approach with competition between manufacturers and incentives for GPs to prescribe and pharmacists to dispense generics has led to a high market share (76%) for generic products.
Generic prices in the UK are the lowest in the developed world and are constrained by free market competition.
The market share that generics reach and the savings they generate are dependent upon national legislation and regulation.
Further growth and NHS savings are constrained by regulatory delays and costs, and the actions of some originator companies in trying to avoid or delay generic competition.
Competition from generics also stimulates the research based pharmaceutical industry to develop new medicines.